争议与突破:Walt Whitman的诗歌成就及其争议根源

Walt Whitman, often referred to as “the father of poetry,” is indeed a controversial poet for his poetic achievements, but why is he considered controversial? The question can be answered by examining the impact of his famous collection, “Leaves of Grass.” This poem, despite its groundbreaking content and format, was initially rejected by critics who found it difficult to understand due to its unconventional structure.

The poem’s innovative structure, with long sentences and lack of rhyme scheme, did not align with conventional literary standards at that time. Critics often viewed Whitman’s work as crude or vulgar because they lacked the formal structure and conventions expected in English literature. However, some scholars argue that these characteristics were necessary to convey Whitman’s raw emotions and personal experiences, which he felt were too profound to fit within traditional forms.


Whitman’s poetry also touched on themes of democracy and equality, which were revolutionary concepts in his time. His works, particularly those from his later years, delved into more explicit depictions of same-sex love, a taboo subject in American society during his lifetime. These themes and content have led to varying opinions among critics and readers alike, causing him to remain an object of controversy.

Moreover, Whitman’s approach to poetry was deeply rooted in his life experiences. He lived a life of poverty, working odd jobs such as being a bookkeeper, printer, and even a street sweeper, all of which contributed to his extensive reading and understanding of the human condition. This background made him uniquely qualified to express the struggles and aspirations of the lower classes, including the marginalized groups like the working class.

In conclusion, Walt Whitman’s controversial status stems from his ability to transcend societal norms through his unique style, content, and personal experiences. While his contributions to poetry are significant, the complexities of his legacy continue to provoke discussion about what constitutes a truly great work of art.


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